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Giant worms (Zophobas Morio)
Giant worms (Zophobas Morio)
FAO regards edible insects as the food of the future for the more than 9 billion people that will populate the world in 2050. This statement has awakened the trend for insect protein, at least in the old continent. This is how edible insects such as giant edible worms set out to conquer our plates.
Giant worms bred in Thailand
They are also called Zophobas Morio and are part of the Coleoptera family. Like some worms, they also feed on flour. On Thailand’s Next-Food farms, their diet consists of rice flour, oats, whole wheat, vegetables, etc. As one of the company’s flagship products, they are grown under optimal conditions. allow to obtain edible worms in quality and quantity.
Once they meet the criteria, the giant edible worms are slaughtered and cleaned before moving to the kettle. Then they go on drying with a 100% ecological dehydration device. After this step, they are packaged in bags of 25 g to 1 kg. So, come to to buy the edible insects of your choice!
The subtle taste of giant edible worms
The whole process is done on site while respecting the French hygiene standards and guarantees the preservation of the flavor of all our insects. So, to buy food insects, visit and order the products that suit you!
Giant edible worms have hazelnut or almond flavors when sweetened. This gave ideas for gourmets who replaced almonds and hazelnuts with these caterpillars. And the result is bluffing. Visually, we discover worms that are similar to chocolate chips. Regarding taste, a neophyte would never know that it is worm without being put in the confidence.
They can also be eaten in an aperitif insect mode. In general, the flavor is similar to the edible mealworm, but with a slightly more pronounced taste. When you take it with mustard or honey, you feel like you’re eating something familiar and unusual at the same time.