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100% Scorpion Powder 10g
100% Scorpion Powder (78% protein)
These premium scorpions have been cooked, dried and blended into a fine powder. The powder can be added to any food, for example bread, cookies or even energy bars.
Each can contains 10g scorpion powder made from approximately 20 scorpions.
Scorpion powder contains 78% protein. It is also a good source of iron, calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals.
Armor tail scorpions have been used in Chinese medicine for centuries, they are believed to protect against colds, flu, infections and diseases. They are also believed to contain antibacterial properties and are said to have many other uses.
Ingredients: 100% Farmed armor tail scorpions (Mesobuthus martensii Sp).
Net Weight – 10g
Shelf life – 1 year